Children’s Room Chromebook and Internet Policies

  • Chromebooks:  These are laptop computers with web browsers.  Patrons may check out a Chromebook at the Children’s Desk.  Chromebooks MUST remain in the library.  Please check your laptop back in at the Children’s Desk. You must fill out your name and information on the Check Out Sheet when you check out and check in your laptop.
  • A parent or guardian is required to provide either a valid ID, school ID or library card for a child using a Chromebook or if they use it for themselves.  Please note: children take priority when checking out a Chromebook.  We have desktop computers on the Main Floor for adult use.
  • Chromebooks may be used in 2-hour increments with renewals in 30-minute increments.  You must come to the Children’s Desk to ask about renewals so we may check the waitlist or make note of the renewal.
  • If there is a waitlist, you may not renew your Chromebook and must check it back in after your time is up.  Please plan your time accordingly.  If there is no waitlist, you may renew your laptop at least once in 30-minute increments.
  • Chromebooks may not be reserved in advance.
  • These laptops are not filtered, so parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s use.   The viewing of intimidating, hostile or sexually offensive material is prohibited in the library.  If we find a patron viewing inappropriate material, he/she shall immediately be banned from computer use for the remainder of that day.  If there is a second offense, that patron shall be banned for a week from any computer use.  If there is a third offense, that patron shall be banned for at least one month from any computer use in the library.
  • You may print black and white as well as color copies off your Chromebook.  We charge .10 cents per black and white page and .50 cents for each color page.
  • We will power off all Chromebooks 15 minutes prior to closing time. 

If a Chromebook is damaged beyond repair, patron is responsible for replacement costs.